Senkai Showdown 2024 Individual
***As you check-out, make sure to add your division into the 'NOTES' section so I will be able to identify every athlete.***
It is the athlete's responsibility to check in with the photographer on competition day, before your first lift. At this check in (different than the meet check in) the athlete will be given a mark on their arm. These marks will let the photographer know the athlete is their client. If the athlete doesn't have a mark, the athlete won't get photographed. No refunds will be given to paying athletes who fail to check in with the photographer and receive an arm mark.
Participation in this photo package gives authorization to Valkyrie Photography, Iron Legion Strength + Combat, Viking Iron Events, Ryan Allen, Senkai Strength and its owners that they have the athlete's consent to use these photos in a commercial capacity.
The photos obtained by the athlete through this package may not be used by the athlete or anyone else for commercial purposes. If the athlete is sponsored or has partners who may want to use these photos for commercial purposes, they may contact Isabelle Reynolds to purchase a commercial license.
Each athlete participating in a photo package is guaranteed 10 photographs. Please pay attention to Valkyrie's FB + IG Page and the event page for information on when the photos are ready.